LMS Web Seminerleri : 06-10 Ağustos 2012

06-10 Ağustos haftasında düzenlenecek olan ücretsiz LMS web seminerlerini hakkında detaylı bilgi edinmek ve kayıt yaptırmak için aşağıdaki bağlantı adreslerine tıklamanız yeterlidir.
Web seminerlerinin sunum dosyalarını indirmek için bu adresi kullanabilirsiniz –> http://www.lmsintl.com/webseminars/download-presentations

Intake / Exhaust Performance Simulation
TARIH : 06.08.2012
SAAT : 18:00 TSI

Air intake systems as well as exhaust systems are significant noise sources, related to both interior and exterior noise of vehicles. As regards to interior noise, both reducing noise from intake systems and tuning the sound is key to optimize passenger comfort. For exterior noise characterization, legislation for pass-by-noise forms a major concern.
In this web seminar you will learn:
– How to analyze the Transmission Loss of intake and exhaust systems
– How different measures improve the acoustic performance of intake and exhaust systems
– The effect of temperature, flow and perforations on the noise characteristics

Who Should attend
– Design and Simulation engineers for Intakes and Exhaust
– Intake and Exhaust program managers

Is Automated Modal Analysis a Reality?
TARIH : 10.08.2012
SAAT : 18:00 TSI

While performing modal analysis, the manual separation of the physical poles on the stabilization diagram from the spurious, mathematical ones, requires quite some experience and will inevitable lead to highly operator-dependant results. This problem is most prominent in the case of highly damped structures where modes tend to mix up or when there are a high number of modes in the frequency range of interest. With the increasing use of modal analysis as a standard tool by many, also less experienced users, there is a strong need to also automate this part of the analysis process.
In this web seminar you will learn:
– How to get clutter-free stabilization diagrams using the LMS PolyMAX estimator
– Which procedures were used to capture expert knowledge in the automatic stabilization diagram assessment tools
– About the benefits of automated modal analysis
– How automated modal analysis is performed in practice

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